Things Get Worse: Story Post – 001

MagWort had an exoskeleton and he wore it proudly on behalf of Grand Lady Malavox of the Fifth House. He had once had his skull crushed in but they reconstructed his skull out of bronzed steel. Now he was even stronger than before.


MagWort had served Grand Lady Malavox for many years. He knew how wise and cunning and powerful she was. He respected her. He adored her. He served her with all his being.
He was therefore very pleased to report that the Abomination had been fully secured in the Box. It went almost willingly, or at least, completely defeatedly. Apparently the death of its lover on the streets of the Third House had had a devastating effect upon it. It had, after all, screamed the scream that could not be unheard.
He could not pretend to understand, but he knew and understood that the Fifth House was strong in part because Grand Lady Malavox shared her bed with Lady Petrichor and not some feeble man who might befuddle her thoughts in the night. Grand Lady Malavox did not lay with men. She was not weak like that.
MagWort adored her. And he was very pleased indeed to report that the Abomination had been secured in the Box in full compliance with the very precise instructions that had been given to him. “The Box”, as it had become known, was a shadow controlled by the Fifth House. Just another plane in the multi-verse, but this one had been carefully scouted by Lady Petrichor and claimed by Grand Lady Malavox. This plane – the Box – had a few carefully selected features that made it perfect for detaining red dragons.
Among other things:
– the air there is perfectly breathable but does not combust. There is no fire in the Box.
– arcane magic does not work (this is, in fact, more common than not in the multiverse).
– gun powder does not work (a common protective step since… the Incident you know nothing about)
– because it is fully-controlled by the Fifth House, only invited persons may enter, and only permitted persons may leave.
Despite significant investment, patience and guile, it had still come as somewhat of a surprise to the Fifth House that it had in fact secured the Abomination as its own. For now, the Abomination was being held in a high security facility on this particular plane until everything else got sorted out.
Everyday Grand Lady Malavox strikes a slightly different appearance. She uses magic to make her countenance, so the art is always pretty, thematically consistent, threatening, deadly and beautiful.





Her partner, Lady Petrichor, always looks the same when in humanoid form.
