Game Recap – March 2nd

Ryp locates Ash’s card (Locate Object)
Ride on Nyneve as a dragon 
Cast Fairie fire to tell Grim and Ash where we are headed 
World (this Plane) is ending. Fire and brimstone, hellhounds 
Need to get out of this place 
We need to get back to the boat
Grim may stay to misdirect the enemy 

Zymon – with Cambion Casts detect thoughts – nope. Women are a mystery 
Zymon realizes he is not who he thinks he is 
Once crowned as a prince

Cast Fairie fire on bone bird and the card. Bird drops the card like a dumbass
Ash’s monkey soldiers go to retrieve the card 
Kildrak gets fire breathed on him from a hellhound. 
Fire giants come at them – throwing balls of lava
Janaar gets hit with fire breath…next to him Proxen manages to dodge a fireball as well 

Zymon and Cambion engage in battle with a Mosquito Scorpion 

Ryp, Ash, grim kill a hellhound and a Githyanki appeared and grabbed the card 
Kildrak and the boys fight their hellhounds and hold for a while. 

Zymon and Cambion fight the mosquito scorpion 

Ryp casts hold person on the Githyanki
Ash moves in to attack and is locked by a monk he has seen before. Ash disengages offending the guy’s honour. Ash walks up and plucks the card gingerly from the held Githyanki 

Janaar and the boys keep fighting 
Kildrak annihilates his hellhound
Proxen pushes a hellhound over

Ash and grim jump and hold on to Nyneve and we take flight. We see dragon runes on the ground and Nyneve finds a cave that could close this world 
Proxen and Janaar defeat their hellhounds

Zymon witchbolts the Mosquito Scorpion (Bone Devil)

Bone Devil tears Zymon a new asshole…in his chest. 
Zymon is poisoned 
Cambion laughs at Zymon’s situation – dats love! 
Quagmire falls in love with Cambion and bites the shit out of the Bone Devil. 

The fire of the plane begins to consume everyone – we all take some damage. 
Valeria and Finn get picked up en route to the cave. Stop eating da Caike and stop doing da saixe!

Janaar’s team all hit their giants hard. Proxen restrains one of the giants. 
Entering the cave Ash pulls an Admiral Akbar 
Ryp casts light on Ash’s sword 
Kildrak wastes a fire giant. Yes!
Janaar unloads his lightning bolt. BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL  
Second attack downs the giant 
Proxen uses his shield to scream at the enemies. Sick!

They make it to the ship!  
Back to the cave 
Valeria casts suggestion on the ninjas to attack Grim in the cave. Wowzas

Omg I can’t keep track anymore