Crew Member #8 (aka Valaria’s romantic interest):
Finn MacLeod
An orphan human pirate who has come from a far, far away land that has been decimated war. His family died long before he could even form any images of them. Growing up, he watched as friends, one after another were taken by the blade. But somehow, he has survived thanks to an uncanny streak of luck. Battles would stop just as he got wounded. And when he was hungry, mana would fall from the sky. Even one time, a thunder of dragons were slaughtered mid-flight such that he could have a chance to escape.
Coincidentally enough, when these strange acts of miracle appeared, Finn would often find himself visited by a mysterious hooded woman who would offer him words of solace and and advice. And it was she who urged him to make his way across many lands to seek out work on the Sea Ghost.
Valaria felt hot and bothered by this young man as soon as she gazed upon him. But she would remember the long ago words of her old mentor, “For if you should see such a man come into your life, be good to him and guide him. For he in turn will lead you to much greatness. But girl, for the love of the gods, do not sleep with him. Cause if you do, dragon shit will hit the fan and you will encounter might and terror such that all other troubles you know of will pale in comparison.”
character traits: the strong silent type, a (chaotic) good man, high charisma (hubba, hubba), no formal training – but is a naturally good fighter (good genes), lovers have had a strange knack for dying on him