Finn MacLeod

Crew Member #8 (aka Valaria’s romantic interest): Finn MacLeod An orphan human pirate who has come from a far, far away land that has been decimated war. His family died long before he could even form any images of them. Growing up, he watched as friends, one after another were taken by the blade. But …

Polo Van DorsTopp

Crew Member #7 Polo Van DorsTopp Polo is the third son of a minor lord of a northern island nation. He set out on his own against the wishes of his father seeking adventure, fame, and fortune. What he lacks in intelligence he makes up for in jaw line and bravado. He thinks men and …

Lacey Undertow – Pilot

Pilot Lacey Undertow, Human The bastard child of a dwarf prostitute and the captain, she grew up under deck and under sail. She learned to read the stars, the winds, and coastlines while receiving a proper marine education in profanity, vulgarity, and depravity. When the captain fell ill and died, the first mate gave her …

Reffer Kol

Crew Member #6 Reffer Kol, Tabaxi Ne’er-Do-Well Has a different back story every time he’s asked. Grew up in a small coastal town. Or on a southern island. Or maybe on a merchant vessel. One thing is sure, he knows his way around the rigging and seems to handle an axe well. Loves collecting stories. …

Arkesh Jandoor

Arkesh Jandoor will join your crew. He is an experienced sailor and not afraid to fight. He comes from the south and speaks several languages from there. Due to his gambling, he owes 500 gold pieces to the Masks (another pirate crew).

Our Ship’s Crew

Captain – Janaar Stormwind First Mate – Grim Nightleaf Second Mate – Gundar Gunnarson (2nd level) Ship’s Navigator – Nyneve Ship’s Quartermaster (inventories and distributes the ship’s stuff) – Foul Fritoff Ship’s Bosun (handles all HR issues… like recruiting new crew) – Valaria Bliss Ship’s Mage (blows shit up when called upon… casts wind & …