The nights are rough for Ryparin. He spent twenty years infected by the Nevermind. Now that it is gone, he feels a special kind of madness from the ending of its previously ceaseless chatter. He feels an emptiness where before he was full. He feels free where before he was not. Still, the nights are …
The Azure Sea: Story Post – 002
Captain Stormwind brings the Sea Ghost into harbour at Seaton but must sail like a salmon swimming upstream as the other ships are all travelling in the opposite direction. You arrive in port and are grateful to watch Valaria skillfully avoid the usual interactions with the local customs officers. As it happens, there is such …
The Azure Sea: Story Post – 001
The joy of being back at sea pleases you all. You were deep underground only moments ago and now you stand on the deck of the Sea Ghost with the sun on your face. The crew is very relieved to see you, and not overly perturbed by your sudden appearance by means of a magical …
The Siege of Bale Keep: Story Post – 004
Ash knows that as a half-elf, Ryparin has darkvision, but his training accounts for that. So Ash does not rely on the cover of darkness for his stealth. He relies on cover. He stands thin behind a tree; he crouches behind a barrel; he lies behind a log. And he moves continually to frustrate Ryparin’s …
The Siege of Bale Keep: Story Post – 003
Ash turns the corner and is alarmed by what he encounters. Ryparin has gone mad. Or rather, some demonic creature has seized control of him. His eyes glow red and his veins bulge as though his blood is coagulating within him. Something terrible has happened. Ash immediately takes a defensive combat stance. Ryparin turns and …
The Siege of Bale Keep: Story Post – 002
Recalling that Zymaan has the mystical ability to read all written languages, Grim shows Zymaan the sigils along the base of the exterior walls of the keep. They have to open the gates and sneak outside to see them, but the enemy camps are at least one hundred yards away so they take the risk …
The Siege of Bale Keep: Story Post – 001
Testing Excerpt