Zymon’s Zest

Sitting all alone during these strange and sickly times

Thought we could use a healthy injection of rhymes

26 seasons of Star Trek, 9th time through Splinter Cell

With no people, what should be Heaven seems like Hell

Restaurants closed, no sports, house arrest such a bore

Had to break curfew and sneak out to the herb store

Then hoarded up all the whiskey and stout I could find

At least 2 months relief from a sober state of mind

Turned on some ambient tunes, laid back, closed my eyes

Query: How will the world face its upcoming demise?

Mad Max, Brave New World, or zombie-like plagues

Terminator robots, cats with 2 heads and 8 legs

Mega-City isolation cubes, where none exit nor enter

Mandatory implants at your local “Health Centre”

Nanobots in your bloodstream, chemtrails overhead

Economic collapse, enjoy some water with lead

Aliens, comet crashes, nuked bodies with scabs

No bread or circuses; manufactured humans from labs

Remember to always stay a social 6 ft apart

Safely out-of-range of another’s breath or fart

Well…    sorry doomsayers, it’s much worse than that

We’ll soon be back to commuting and worrying about fat

Back to the same old debt, taxes, and morning dump

Back to 4 more years of hearing “Anything but Trump”

Back to that wild roller coaster we call life

Back to good old-fashioned nonsensical strife

Yet Fred Neit was right when he said we get tougher

As we make mistakes, rise to the challenge, or suffer

A shortage of ass-wipe proves we’re prone to all 3

Emerging that much stronger once past insanity

Plus, we have the best medicine: Friends & Good Cheer

(with optional doses of chicken, bubbles, and beer)

Baseball will be back, as will concerts and bars

We’ll win this, just like we won Ice Age and SARS

So off with the hazmat suit and into pyjamas

Don’t let under-stimulation drive you bananas

Are you still able to walk, see, and scream?

If so, be grateful, keep swimming upstream

With that in mind, I declare you must stay alive

You are hereby summoned to Game Night on April 25