House of the Rising Sin: Story Post – 003

Given their orders to “kill everybody on board the Sea Ghost”, especially this dwarven monk and Lord Gilead, both of whom are believed to be living Lanterns of Light, it naturally follows that nobody would care if the-kill-that-happened-to-be-captured-instead happened to suffer a little harm.


Guards are sent in to punch prisoner Ash many times and ask who he works for. They ask what his relationship is with Alandra de Winter. They ask if anybody is coming for him. They ask what the card is (since they doubt this shadow knows). They ask where he got the card. They ask about his silver sword. They ask. They ask. They ask.
And they punch, punch, punch.
Grand Lady Malavox and Lady Petrichor are not surprised in the least that their attempts to torture the dwarven monk have yielded no results. Whatever weakness caused prisoner Ash to succumb to the Vrock’s noxious fumes and horrendous shriek, do not manifest again in the confines of his cell.
Their primary confusion about the card is who it will reach if they use it. If it calls upon Queen Vlaakith, then the Fourth House has no interest in using it. However, if it provides any connection whatsoever to Alandra de Winter, the woman still depicted on the card despite her… transformation… then it just might be a risk worth taking.
Trump cards are supposed to update themselves to reflect changes in the person represented.
In any event, the contract with General Nyneve, per the standard terms, makes all recovered loot other than the lanterns property of the Fourth House. Grand Lady Malavox sees no need to even report it.
Given the threat the Lanterns of Light represent to the First House, Grand Lady Malavox orders a clean up crew to be present for when General Nyneve comes to claim prisoner Ash. She expects that the General did not trust the Fourth House to truly execute the prisoner, and thus the General is coming to do it herself. They would need a clean up crew to clear away the mess.
What feels to prisoner Ash like many days in the hole, has in fact been only a day and a half. He has not broken. Not even close. Although his body and face ache in every way. Every time he thought he could fight back and out, they used electric rods on him and he passed again into darkness.
Ultimately, prisoner Ash is to be collected by General Nyneve aboard the main deck of the Pandoradox, the flagship of the Fourth House.
What happens next will be played out in a private session to be held soon with Ash and General Nyneve.