Enemies Everywhere: Story Post – 001

So many ages had passed since there had been a Green Knight, even the legends of a Green Knight existing had faded away into nothing. For eons the balance between the Courts of Chaos and the Lords of Light was hardly perfect, but certainly within a range where the short end could recover and balance could be restored. For eons, no Green Knight was truly needed.

But these are changing times. Perhaps the end times.

The Courts of Chaos have not only mustered their power, they have deployed it. They have been deploying it for some time and to great success. Still, the Lords of Light have not responded.

In the result, Yggdrasil, the One Tree, has been pushed through the multiverse far past the midway point between Chaos and Light. Worse still, Yggdrasil has been imprisoned in an enervating force cage. The cage vampirizes Yggdrasil’s strength and gains strength itself from the energy it drains.

The surviving crew of the Sea Ghost, led by Captain Janaar Stormwind, visited Yggdrasil in this condition. How this band of pirates was able to circumnavigate the many defences protecting this position is unclear, but they landed nearby and killed the few defending forces between their landing position and caged Yggdrasil. One of these pirate crew members made it all the way such that he was able to touch Yggdrasil.
Thus was knighted, Sir Proxen, the Green Knight, disciple of Ithe.


Boots (in high vegetation environments: leave no trace, +10 to stealth checks, cannot be tracked by magical means)

Shield (+2 shield of truth and shouting) (Truth = anyone who puts their hand in the mouth on the shield is subject to a Zone of Truth spell and loses their hand if they lie and fail their saving throw) (Shouting = 1/day in a 30-foot cone; sonic damage; 6d6)

Armour (+2 elven chain mail; no disadvantage on stealth checks; looks cool)

Gauntlets of Oak Strength (Your Strength score is 19 while you wear these gauntlets)

Helmet of the Forest (Allows you to cast Speak with Plants at will)

Sword of Smiting (+2 magical sword) (the sword itself has two second-level spell charges; as in, on two extra occasions you can Divine Smite for an extra 2d8 radiant damage each time (3d8 on undead or fiend))

Green mana baubles (these naturally accumulate on the armour and can be given to Kildrak to refuel his warhammer)

That should make Proxen AC 22 and with some very scary melee blows.


While the cosmic balance tilts heavily in favour of the Courts of Chaos, and the First House in particular, the Green Knight has been awakened and has received his first charge.

Go to the Lords of Light. Awaken them to the urgency of the situation. Recruit them to fight back!

In the Green Knight’s mind, the path ahead becomes clear.